Why Customer Service Is Important

We at F2F Telecommunications have heard countless horror stories from customers regarding contracts they were locked into and extremely poor customer service, partly as a result of auto-renew contracts and out-of-country support Services. It seems to be a standard practice among larger companies in our industry to catch customers and then forget about their needs after the contract is signed.

Here at F2F Telecommunications, we pride ourselves on retaining customers because of our quality work, products, and service instead of contracts that trap you in our services. Here are five top reasons why we value customer service as part of our business strategy rather than a checkbox for what a company is supposed to have.

5 Top Reasons Why Customer Service is Important

Customer service is both a way to interact with your customers and a problem-solving solution that has a meaningful impact on the company, the employees, and the people you serve. There are many reasons why quality customer service is important to have in your business, but here are five of the best ones:

1) It’s Cheaper to Retain

When you break down the numbers, it’s far more profitable to keep your customers than to have a high turnover. Customer service is a major factor in retaining customers and building a loyal base, making a steady stream of profit from repeat sales that you can count on instead of constantly spending money to elicit new sales only. It’s essentially very simple, the more customers you have the more profitable your company and the more growth potential you have. It’s difficult to do this when you’re constantly soliciting customers with no steady base.

2) Referrals Over Recruiting

Word-of-mouth is an old marketing strategy that will never lose its potency, simply because people are Social and will tell their friends and family members about a company or Product they like. Positive referrals come directly from existing customers and ones you’ve served in the past, and nothing damages a good reputation or creates negative word-of-mouth faster than poor customer service. The best part of having your customers say positive things about your service and brand is that it costs you nothing from your marketing budget.

3) Retaining Employees

Good customer service is partly built out of happy customer service agents and they’re likely to be happier with policies that don’t make them feel sleazy every day. Another aspect of how good customer service helps retain employees is management’s drive to keep them happy, which means they’ll work harder to satisfy your customers. It’s a positive cycle that includes customer service strategy and keeping your employees happy to provide better customer service that is reinforced by the policies you have.

4) Proactive Opportunities

It’s difficult to know that your company has an issue unless someone tells you about it. Having a good customer service team that actively listens to your customers can help you take a proactive approach to solving problems before they become big ones. This also means listening to your customer-facing employees and taking note of what they’re trying to bring your attention to. Not only does this provide the opportunity to solve an issue before it grows out of control, but it also helps build customer loyalty and feeds retention.

5) Gives a Competitive Advantage

As we mentioned at the beginning, poor customer service seems to be a popular option amongst larger companies and that gives us at F2F Telecommunications a competitive advantage that we’re dedicated to. By providing great customer service to our current customers, they’re likely to spread the word to friends and family members who aren’t happy with their current service. That can attract new customers to us and demonstrate to us that our customer service strategy is good for our customers, keeping both our company and our customers happy.

At F2F our customer service is not only in-country but local to you. In addition to our free remote moves and changes, our on-site technicians are always available when needed. We are very proud that we’ve had the same customers for over a decade, and welcome new businesses to our services. We continuously work hard to ensure every new customer is as happy and stays with us as long as our current customers do. To learn more about us, please click below.

F2F Telecommunications | Customer Service

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Expertise with SEO and online marketing

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OASDI Limit 2024 Update: MaximizeOASDI Limit 2024 Update: Maximize

Last year, we saw a significant shift that rattled the foundations of Social Security contributions. This year is no different; 2024 brings another wave as the oasdi limit 2024 climbs higher than ever before.

You’ve heard whispers at work about it or seen headlines flash across your screen. It’s time to get a clear picture because this change isn’t just news—it directly impacts how much you’ll pay into Social Security and what your future benefits might look like.

I’m peeling back the layers on these new rules so you can see exactly how they play out in real dollars and cents for both employees and employers alike. Stick around—knowing this could make all the difference when planning for retirement or crunching payroll numbers.

Understanding the OASDI Limit in 2024

The OASDI limit, which affects your paycheck by deducting a portion of it for Social Security taxes, is an impactful part of the Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance program. For those scratching their heads, let me break it down: The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program caps how much of your income can be taxed for Social Security each year. And guess what? In 2024 this cap is jumping up to $168,600.

What is the OASDI Limit?

The OASDI limit, or social security wage base, acts like a ceiling on earnings subject to that familiar social security tax we all love to hate. It’s like saying “You only have to pay up until here; after that enjoy your hard-earned money.” This isn’t just an arbitrary number though—it’s pegged to average wages which means when we’re all making more dough on average, Uncle Sam adjusts his slice of our pie accordingly.

This leads us into why this matters: if you earn under $168,600 in 2024 (which most people do), every dollar earns its own little shadow called FICA—yep that pesky payroll tax—but if you soar above that amount? Well then congratulations high-flyer. Your additional income gets off scot-free from these particular taxes.

Calculating Your Contributions

You might now wonder how they decide who pays what. So let’s get down with some math fun—you contribute a steady rate of 6.2% towards social security taxes from each paycheck until your earnings hit that sweet spot—the wage base limit ($168,600). Once there however it stops even if salary keeps climbing because there’s no need for wings Where eagles dare not perch—or something poetic like that.

Your employer matches this dance step-for-step contributing another 6.2%, so together both are grooving at a combined total rate hovering around 12.4%. But before self-employed folks start feeling left out don’t worry—we haven’t forgotten about you. You guys get double dipped since technically being both employee and employer which brings us to paying full combo meal deal at said tasty tune of 12.4% solo style—all without any fries on side unfortunately.

How the OASDI Limit Affects Social Security Contributions

Buckle up buttercups because changes in these limits affect everyone involved—from workers diligently watching deductions disappear from their paychecks right through companies doing the actual deducting themselves. Employers must keep tabs to make sure correct withholding happens based on updated figures, or else they might face the wrath of IRS spirits come audit time—and nobody wants that kind of unexpected surprise.